Cornish Humour, Jokes that'll make you cry

Posted by Select Cornwall

on 30/05/2023

Funny Cornish Jokes

Cornwall, located in southwest England, is known for its beautiful landscapes, rich history, and friendly locals. It's also a place where people have a great sense of humor! Here are some funny Cornish jokes that will surely bring a smile to your face:

Joke 1:

Why did the Cornishman bring a ladder to the bar?

Because he heard the drinks were on the house!

Joke 2:

How do you make a Cornishman laugh on a Saturday night?

Tell him a joke on a Wednesday!

Joke 3:

Why did the Cornishman take a spoon to the cinema?

Because he heard it was a tearjerker!

Joke 4:

What do you call a Cornishman who lost all of his sheep?


Joke 5:

Why don't Cornishmen ever get sunburned at the beach?

Because they have "sun" in their name!

Joke 6:

Why did the Cornishman take his dog to the vet?

Because it was a "ruff" neighborhood!

Joke 7:

How do you get a Cornishman to stop biting his nails?

Make him wear shoes!

Joke 8:

Why did the Cornishman become an archaeologist?

Because he heard there were lots of "bodmin"!

Joke 9:

What do you call a Cornishman who can play the guitar?

A "strum"min'!

Joke 10:

Why did the Cornishman bring a ladder to the pub?

Because he wanted to reach new "heights"!

I hope these jokes brought a smile to your face and brightened your day. Cornish humor is all about light-hearted fun and enjoying the simple pleasures in life. So, the next time you visit Cornwall or meet a Cornish person, don't forget to share a laugh with them!